A Humanistic Approach to Education and Personal Development

  • (1)  Rustamova B. A.            Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, trainee teacher  

    (*) Corresponding Author


humanisation, self-transformation, self-development, subject-subject relations, humanistic orientation of education, humanistic educational paradigm


The paper analyzes the problems of humanistic formations and self-esteem recognition. The article deals with the professional training of future teachers, which is based on social-humanistic position of man, the subject of his active attitude to the world.


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How to Cite

B. A., R. . (2023). A Humanistic Approach to Education and Personal Development. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 32, 67-70. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1666