The pros and cons of teaching speaking skills in the classroom

  • (1)  Alikulova Sevara Abduvassi qizi             Teacher at Department of Practical Disciplines of the English Language, Uzbek State World Languages University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



language, communication skill, classroom, teaching strategies, downsides, benefits.


Language is first and foremost a spoken and not a written entity. Speaking is a major skill in communication. This review article represents the position of  the skill of speaking  in communication classroom; what are the prominent benefits about the educating speaking skill; what are the principle drawbacks of teaching speaking skills. The classroom is the optimum platform to acquire good communication skills, especially, speaking skills. The teachers have to understand the problems of demand of  today’s globalized world towards communication skills and try to implement various teaching strategies in their classrooms in order to develop their learners' speaking skills in  classrooms. However, precise downsides  of conducting speaking skills in classroom are also available. In this given article shows as well as discusses both options by representing relevant data.


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How to Cite

Alikulova Sevara Abduvassi qizi. (2020). The pros and cons of teaching speaking skills in the classroom. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 6, 38-39.



Language and Literature