Etymological Review on Some Syntactic Stylistic Terms

  • (1)  Egamnazarova Durdona Shukhratillaevna            Andijan State University Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), docent of the Department of English Grammar  

    (*) Corresponding Author



evolution, history, terminology, lexicography, dictionary, literary term, stylistic term, syntactic stylistics


The article is devoted to the study of terms related to syntactic stylistics, and discusses aspects of their description and genesis. The history of the origin of methodological tools is analyzed in terms of the close relationship of linguistics and literature with related fields such as art, logic and philosophy, and the importance of the etymological approach in their presentation in various lexicographic sources.


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How to Cite

Shukhratillaevna, E. D. . (2022). Etymological Review on Some Syntactic Stylistic Terms. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 20, 16-21.



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